A Guide to Creating a Good Landing Page

What Are Landing Pages

Landing pages are an essential part of digital marketing. They can be used to capture leads, drive traffic and increase conversions on your website or eCommerce store.

If you’re not sure what a landing page is, it’s simply a page on your website that has been specially designed with one goal in mind: getting visitors to take action. In other words, the purpose of a landing page is to get visitors interested enough in what you have to offer so that they’ll subscribe to your newsletter or download your ebook (or whatever else).

There are many different types of landing pages out there — from simple “Get Started” pages all the way up to complex sales pitches for high-ticket products or services. But no matter what type of landing page you use, there are some common guidelines worth following when designing them:

Creating landing pages is making a web page that delivers your message in a focused and direct way. The goal of the landing page is to get visitors to take action on your website.

Key Differences Between a Landing Page and a Website
The difference between a landing page and a website is that the latter is used to sell products or services, while the former is used to gather information for customers.
A landing page is like a sales letter. It’s like a sales pitch, but instead of writing it out in person, you’re writing it online. You can use this type of page to gather information about your potential customers and offer them something in return for sharing the information with you.
A website is what people usually think of when they hear “website.” It’s where people go to find information about your company or product; they won’t have access to purchasing options on that site.

Dedicated landing pages: why do you need them?

Building a landing page that is dedicated to your business goal is a great way to get visitors to your site. It’s also an effective way for you to capture their email address and build relationships with them over time.

The whole point of having a dedicated landing page is so that it can serve as the central hub of all of your marketing efforts — whether that be social media, blog posts, or even paid advertising campaigns on Facebook or Google AdWords. The more focused your message is, the better chance you have at getting people interested in what you have to offer.

The whole point of having a dedicated landing page is so that it can serve as the central hub of all of your marketing efforts — whether that be social media, blog posts, or even paid advertising campaigns on Facebook or Google AdWords. The more focused your message is, the better chance you have at getting people interested in what you have to offer.

Types of landing pages

Landing pages have become a popular way to generate leads. They’re also one of the most effective ways to do so.
1. Landing pages for lead generation
A lead generation page is one that helps to convert visitors into leads. The page should provide enough information for the visitor to fill out a form and submit it.

The purpose of the lead generation page is simple: you want people who visit your website to see what you offer and then take action by giving you their contact information (name, email address)

Here are five reasons why digital marketing landing pages are an important part of your marketing strategy:

1) Landing pages give visitors what they want immediately.

2) Visitors can’t leave without taking action or completing an action form, so you know that they’re interested in whatever you’re offering.

3) You can use the same page for different offers and see how well each works for your company

4) If people don’t understand what they’re getting from your page, then chances are good that they won’t buy from you

5) A landing page gives visitors something concrete – a place where they can go when they need something specific from your company

2. Click through Landing Pages

Click-through landing pages are a powerful way to get people interested in your product or service.

These pages are specifically designed to get visitors’ attention and convince them that they need what you’re offering.

Here’s a look at how it works:

The visitor comes to your site hoping to find an answer to their problem (or simply out of curiosity). They search for terms related to their question and land on the clickthrough landing page. This page is specially designed with an eye toward getting people hooked on whatever product or service you offer — whether it be a course, ebook, or even physical products like clothing or electronics. End with a call-to-action button that directs visitors straight into your sales funnel where they can purchase whatever it is that interests them most about your business.

A good landing page should contain the following elements

To help you create an effective landing page, we’ve put together a list of the top 10 elements that will make it stand out from the crowd with top-notch landing page optimization:

1) Stunning visuals

2) Headline that attracts attention

3) An attention-grabbing call-to-action

4) Descriptions that emphasise benefits or value

5) Long-tail Keywords

6) Testimonials

7) Social media buttons to share the page

1. Stunning visuals
There are many elements that make up a great landing page but here are some key factors:

Stunning visuals: The first impression is everything when it comes to marketing, and your website needs to look great. You can use photos or graphics for this purpose, but don’t overdo it with too many images. Use only the best ones and make sure they’re consistent across all pages of the site (especially any home page).

Images can draw people in and give them an idea of what they’re getting into. Adding images to your web design will help with conversions as it shows visitors that there’s more than just text content on the page. Make sure any images used have been properly sized so they don’t look pixelated or blurry when viewed on different devices (try out Canva if needed). Also, consider adding videos to your landing pages — this type of content works well when it comes from an expert source like YouTube or Twitter

2. Headline that attracts attention
Some of the best examples of landing pages have attractive headlines. Your visitors need something compelling at the top of their screens that will draw them in immediately — so make sure there’s a strong CTA (“call-to-action”) button up there somewhere! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different kinds of headlines; some people respond better than others depending on what kind of product or service you offer.

3. An attention-grabbing call-to-action
Prominent CTAs are the most effective way to get people to click on your landing page

Prominent CTAs mean that the Call-to-Action is placed at a place where it will be seen by visitors who land on your page from search engines or other websites. It should not be placed below an image or other element that can hide it from view

A prominent call-to-action (CTA). This should be the most important element on your page, and it should be used to direct visitors toward your lead conversion event or end goal.

4. Descriptions that emphasise benefits or value
In order to effectively communicate the benefits of your product, you need to highlight them in your text. This can be done by using persuasive descriptions, which are short paragraphs that describe what the user will get out of a product. These can be used as part of an introduction or throughout the body of an article

5. Long-tail Keywords

The element of a good landing page is long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are those that are more specific and targeted toward your audience, rather than general terms like “retail” or “business.”

When people search for specific products or services on Google, they get more detailed results. So if you want to increase traffic to your website through search engine optimization (SEO), make sure you include long tails in your copy!

6. Testimonials

The element of a good landing page is Testimonials from customers. The more testimonials you have from happy customers who have purchased your product or service, the better your chances are that someone will buy what you’re selling.
Testimonials are one of the most effective ways to convince visitors that your product or service is worth trying. They can also help you build credibility with potential customers who aren’t yet ready to buy.

7. Social media buttons to share the page

Social media buttons are great because they’re easy for visitors to click, and they make it easy for them to share your content with their friends and followers.

Landing page benefits

The main benefit of a landing page is to capture leads and convert visitors into customers. You can also use it as an effective means of increasing your website’s traffic, sales, and conversion rate. A well-designed landing page will improve the overall experience for visitors who visit your site by making it easier for them to take action (e.g., sign up for an email newsletter).

The most effective landing pages are those that encourage visitor engagement with your brand. This can be achieved by highlighting key information about your company or product, as well as providing useful information for visitors who want to learn more about your business but don’t have time to call or visit in person.

Creating brand awareness – Landing pages are great for creating awareness about your business or brand, especially if you’re new. You can use it as an introduction to your company and products, and then direct people toward other landing pages that highlight specific aspects of your business. For example, if you’re selling sneakers online, the main landing page could be an overview of the brand with links to other pages where customers can read more about specific models or styles.

Driving traffic – A well-designed landing page can help increase organic search traffic by offering visitors something special (like discounts or exclusive deals) when they click through search results. You also need to make sure that this special offer is available only on the landing page itself — not throughout your site’s navigation structure!

Dos and Don’ts of Landing Pages
Your offer or lead generation form should be placed at the top of your page
The visitor will pay more attention to this, feel more inclined to take the desired action, and understand your offering more easily.
Have the relevant information right on top.
You should clearly explain what you offer and what the visitor needs to do to get what they want
Integrate your landing page with your ad.
If your landing page and ad are not in sync, the viewer might get confused and abandon your website. Also, your reach will also be affected by Google downgrading your ads.
Have prominent CTAs on each landing page
Get eye-catching CTA buttons that pop- and place them at frequent intervals on your landing page.
Have positive reviews and testimonials on your landing page
When people see positive reviews about something they are interested in, they are more likely to make a purchase.

Create a fast landing page.
Your page shouldn’t have complex elements that take too long to load. It’s because the visitor wants to do something QUICKLY that he is on your page. Awaiting will result in him abandoning you.
Optimize landing pages for mobile devices.
The number of people surfing the web through their mobile phones has increased significantly in recent years. Mobile-optimized landing pages will help you reach more people
Make sure your landing page contains a strong, clear call to action that comes from the main purpose of your site. You should also include a great deal of relevant content and information on the landing page so that visitors can get what they need quickly. Also be sure to use a balance of both calls to action and positive, engaging content on your landing page to get the most out of what you have to offer.

If you’re all set with the intention of creating your own landing page for your business, feel free to reach out to us for the best digital marketing services. We’ll make sure everything’s a breeze and needless to say, top-notch!